Ok, first off this is NOT a complete list of all the Black Friday deals at CVS this year. This IS my proposed purchases and how much it will cost so that you can either do what I'm doing or figure out your own plan a little easier. Or just plan at all because you may never have thought to do it this way. Please keep in mind that I do get a small amount of food stamps and I will be using them for all food items to help lower my OOP (Out of Pocket) cost a little more. The Extra Care amount in parenthesis is what will print out when you purchase the item before it when you have your Extra Care card - and really, they probably want you to have it when you're buying any of these to get the deals.
Purchase One:
Fiber One Brownies $3.99 (XtraCash 3.99)
Starbucks Double Shot Drink $1.69 (Xtra Cash 1.69)
Philips Earbuds $6.99 (Xtra Cash $6.00)
Total: $12.67
Foodstamps - $5.68
Total OOP: $6.99 (plus Tax)
Xtra Cash Received: $12.67
Purchase Two:
Wet N Wild Festive Flirt Nail Set $2.88 (Xtra Cash $2.00)
Irish Spring Deodorant $2.77 (Xtra Cash $2.77)
Colgate Toothpaste Varieties $2.87 (Xtra Cash $2.87)
Excedrin Bonus 8ct Reg/PM $0.99 (Xtra Cash 0.99)
Benefiber 3 ct Trial Size $1.49 (Xtra Cash 1.49)
Theraflu 8 ct Caplets $1.87 (Xtra Cash 1.87)
Theraflu Travel Size Pkt $0.99 (Xtra Cash 0.99)
Total: $13.86
XtraCash from Previous Order - $12.67
Total OOP: $1.19 (Plus Tax)
Xtra Cash Received: $12.98
Now, Purchase Number Three gets harder as we have seven different Extra Care Buck tickets. But no worries, this is also where it gets FUN, just watch!
Purchase Three:
Color Theory Makeup Kit $6.88
TWO PepsiMax 2 Liters (BOGO) $1.49
TWO Diet Mt Dew 2 Liters (BOGO) $1.49
Carmex Lip Care $0.99 (Xtra Cash 0.99)
Softlips Lip Care $2.00 (Xtra Cash $2.00)
Advil PM Travel Size $0.99 (Xtra Cash 0.99)
Total: $13.84
Xtra Cash From Previous Order - $12.98
Total OOP: $0.86 (Plus Tax)
Xtra Cash Received: $3.98 - Save for another time or use on a couple of other things you may need!
FoodStamps: $5.68
CASH: $9.04 (Before Tax)
Extra Cash Left Over - $3.98
With Extra Cash it's like we only spent $5.06 on $40.37 worth of items!
That's a savings of nearly 88 Percent! WoooooHoooo!
OH, and just in case you're worried about Black Friday crowds, CVS and other Drug stores usually don't have as much of a crowd as, say, Walmart- and the lines aren't nearly as long.
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